Stephen M. Ouellette represents commercial fishing vessel owners and industry groups in the regulatory process

With the increase in fishery management regulations understanding the process becomes increasingly difficult. Too often industry becomes involved only after regulations have been implemented, when the only means to affect them is costly, and often fruitless. We encourage you to participate in your regional fishery mangement council process, to keep apprised of developments through trade publications, and to provide comment to your council, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and your local politicians. Often, council actions appear to favor one element of the industry at the expense of another - usually the losers are those who do not participate. 

Cianciulli & Ouellette has unique experience in the council process and can advise you and your industry group in the laws that govern fishery mangement to assist you in presenting your position to fishery managers. You need to build a foundation in the event litigation becomes the only avenue for redress. A court will find it more difficult to deny relief where a council was on notice of inequities before regulations were implemented. 


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call (978) 317-2542 

Stephen M. Ouellette
Attorney at Law & Proctor in Admiralty
We have moved.  Call for an appointment.
Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930
tel: (978) 281-7788
fax: (978) 281-4411

For more information, call or e-mail us at

Photographs courtesy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Historical Collection

Copyright © 2012 Stephen M. Ouellette, Esq.